K1 Hyutte is the most famous website among Kyusyu climbers. So first consult with the site.
This is to reinforce the lack of information since I just did not think it was well written.
To view the photo of the place,130.7911376,3a,75y/data=!3m8!1e2!3m6!1sAF1QipMu_oTPiIXVDLApC90Ij_Tw5odS3PDl4Oa7rbGP!2e10!3e12!!7i1616!8i1080!4m5!3m4!1s0x35410fefceb957fd:0xb383c94700eefac8!8m2!3d33.1798013!4d130.791142?hl=ja
Japan map. Where is Kyusyu?
Kyusyu itself has a size of GDP same as Australia. Fukuoka is a capital of Kyusyu.
The red star in the left below map is Hyugami.
The red star near Tokyo is Mizugaki and Ogawayama.
Ogawayama is No1 Japanese crag called Yosemite in Japan.
It has 700 climbs.
Mizugaki is right around the Ogawayama, the other side of the mountains and it is considered the expert's crack climbing crag.
The both crags are more than 1000km away from Kyusyu.
The location
How to get there
It is about 100 km away from downtown in Fukuoka. So most climbers drive to get there.
It is 1.5 hour drive using highway, or 2.5 hour without using high way.
If you use highway, toll is 550 yen or 650yen plus 1040 yen for one way. Currently Japanese gas selling between 130 yen to 150 yen per litter.
If you use a public transportation, the JR Hainuduka Station 羽犬塚駅(はいぬづかえき)(JB 20) is the closest. Then take a local bus Haya Line. Get off at Damu Iriguchi (ダム入り口、Dam entrance).
The bus Line map[%E5%A0%80%E5%B7%9D%E3%83%90%E3%82%B9]
Bus Time table
Bus Fare 1200 yen
Where you get off
"Damu Iriguchi" is right after the tunnel. If you go 1 stop further, it is called "Hyugami" in front of the old Japanese inn.,130.55786013340457,15
This site describes the bus stop "Hyugami", a stop further from where you want to get off. you can get an idea of how the old bus stop looks like.
This bus option will be so miner. People usually drive.
Rental Car
Fukuoka International Airport has 6 car rental services.
Tabirai Rental car
Through Search
From JR Hainuzuka Station, Niko Niko rental car is cheap.
There is no stores and shops near the crag so you should bring your lunch and drinks for the day.
free. Most crags are 0 min to 15min walk from parking lot, or road side.
Fukuoka International Airport
Saga Internationa Airport
K1 Hyutte is the most famous website among Kyusyu climbers. So first consult with the site.
This is to reinforce the lack of information since I just did not think it was well written.
To view the photo of the place,130.7911376,3a,75y/data=!3m8!1e2!3m6!1sAF1QipMu_oTPiIXVDLApC90Ij_Tw5odS3PDl4Oa7rbGP!2e10!3e12!!7i1616!8i1080!4m5!3m4!1s0x35410fefceb957fd:0xb383c94700eefac8!8m2!3d33.1798013!4d130.791142?hl=ja
Japan map. Where is Kyusyu?
Kyusyu itself has a size of GDP same as Australia. Fukuoka is a capital of Kyusyu.
The red star in the left below map is Hyugami.
The red star near Tokyo is Mizugaki and Ogawayama.
Ogawayama is No1 Japanese crag called Yosemite in Japan.
It has 700 climbs.
Mizugaki is right around the Ogawayama, the other side of the mountains and it is considered the expert's crack climbing crag.
The both crags are more than 1000km away from Kyusyu.
The location
How to get there
It is about 100 km away from downtown in Fukuoka. So most climbers drive to get there.
It is 1.5 hour drive using highway, or 2.5 hour without using high way.
If you use highway, toll is 550 yen or 650yen plus 1040 yen for one way. Currently Japanese gas selling between 130 yen to 150 yen per litter.
If you use a public transportation, the JR Hainuduka Station 羽犬塚駅(はいぬづかえき)(JB 20) is the closest. Then take a local bus Haya Line. Get off at Damu Iriguchi (ダム入り口、Dam entrance).
The bus Line map[%E5%A0%80%E5%B7%9D%E3%83%90%E3%82%B9]
Bus Time table
Bus Fare 1200 yen
Where you get off
"Damu Iriguchi" is right after the tunnel. If you go 1 stop further, it is called "Hyugami" in front of the old Japanese inn.,130.55786013340457,15
This site describes the bus stop "Hyugami", a stop further from where you want to get off. you can get an idea of how the old bus stop looks like.
This bus option will be so miner. People usually drive.
Rental Car
Fukuoka International Airport has 6 car rental services.
Tabirai Rental car
Through Search
From JR Hainuzuka Station, Niko Niko rental car is cheap.
There is no stores and shops near the crag so you should bring your lunch and drinks for the day.
free. Most crags are 0 min to 15min walk from parking lot, or road side.
Fukuoka International Airport
Saga Internationa Airport