Hyugami has 9 areas includes 15 multi pitch route at least.
For the original Topo, see here.
I have done 3 multi-pitches already. This is the list for your info.
1) Step 1 Yametsu hime Slab
This is a good place to teach an entire beginner, i.e. someone who is new to the rope work, or etc...
Very easy 4th grade slab. It is not even start of decimal so most likely anybody can climb. If not, that person is not meant to be a climber, perhaps. Climbing is only scare not a joy for that person.
There is no topo. Just a photo.
2 pitches. It is the easiest multi-pitch route in Hyugami.
2)Step 2 Hanatate iwa Kante jyou slab route
4-5 pitches. 5.5 to 5.7 50 m half rope.
See here for the original info.
The topo says 3rd to 4th grade, but I think it was more like 5.7 in decimal. So it is a good grade to start for a beginner. I think 50 m single does the work since the route was pretty much straight up but you need 2 ropes when you go back. So bring your 50 m half rope.
You got to cross the river to climb this multi.
My report is here.
3)Step 3 Benzaiten Iwa Touryou (East ridge)
See here for the original info.
7 pitches including one rappel(which is very scary, since there is no good anchors)
It is more like alpine climbing so it can cultivates your creativity than free climbing! It goes on the ridges so double rope is a must. It goes on the ridges. There are a lot of rotten pitons and zero rappel station but the climbing is very easy 3rd or 4th once you are on the ridge. The start of 2 pitches are on the face side so it is more difficult than on the ridges.
You better bring some cords or slings so in case of accidents or trouble you can rappel down using it.
Try not to drop any loose rock, because there is Sunset area right behind the routes so it can kill someone climbing there.
--------------from here I haven't climbed yet--------------
Hugami Tower No1 route 3P
See here for the original info.
Hugami Tower No2 route 3P
See here for the original info.
A good combination of a beginner and intermediate climber will do, definitely NO for a beginner.
S ji route 5 p in Hananate iwa taigan no iwa
S ji route varietion 5p in Hananate iwa taigan no iwa
Fukuoka Yamanokai Route
Kyaraban Route
Tagawa Route 5 pitch Trad
Sorahe 3 pitche 5.11
Chuuou ryou (Direct kante)
Powder route 7 p
The topo says very much runout.
SK route 8 P